Monday, January 21, 2013

Shawn White GPAX Go Pro Camera Smart Phone App (School Project Only)

**This blog is written for a class PR Project for Full Sail Online. Non of it is real**  

When I won the Gold, time stood still! I was just a kid and all of this attention and fame hit so hard and fast I was swept up and never had a chance to look back. The only thing that has moved fasted than my snowboard career is the video technology around me and the extreme video market. I don't even think I would have a career if my snowboarding was not on video. Over the year I have been not only in front of the camera, but as of late, behind it as well.

Can you say teach an old dog a new trick? 

I was looking all around me one day out boarding and realized everyone had this funky little camera strapped on them. I stopped one of these guys and said, "what is that camera all about?" This is when the bug hit. By today standards I would hardly call my interest in video a new career but at this time I could finally understand what would attract all of those thousands of people into taking all of the hours of video of me.

A few months later I was at a trade show and noticed that little camera again. It was called the Go Pro. I walked up and asked a few questions and before I knew it I was asked to consider testing some of the latest Go Pro models. 4 years later I am an avid tester and user of the Go Pro. The only thing I use more is my smart phone. Doubt I am alone there.

About 2 years ago, the guys over at Go Pro contacted me and asked if I would fly out to see them at the office. They said they had a top secret Go Pro camera that was going to change the game of online video content and they wanted me to head up some of the testing. I jumped on a plane a week later and spent the next 3 days meeting with the Go Pro tech team to go over every nuance of this new, top secret camera.

It did not take long for the team to peak my interest. I was introduced to a new concept called the GPAX Go Pro camera system. This system was designed to integrate my Go Pro camera and footage with my smart phone, in the field, on the slope, wherever I was able to get a signal. They told me I could film, edit and post, all from the smart phone via the GPAX App.

I was blown away and have spent the better part of 2 years now filming from the beach to the slopes, making some killer videos. I am able to get these videos online, fully tagged, optimized and edited in minutes, from anyplace I am. 

I am now convinced this is a game changer, so if you see me on the slope you wont have to ask "whats the deal with that camera and smart phone". I spilled the news here and you ca get your hands on the GPAX Go Pro camera and smart phone system as soon as April 15th, 2013. Check out the latest video on the GPAX system in this killer Video.


This blog is written for a class PR Project for Full Sail Online. Non of it is real.

Photo resources:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Go Pro GPAX Product Release Media Photo/Assets(Sample School Project)


The Go Pro Camera GPAX System for use with Smart Phone will be released April 15th, 2013. Please use these photos and video in all third party media releases,stories, blogs, photo and video displays.

Please contact for for information on usage updated release details.

GPAX Promo Video:


Video and Photo Sources:

Picture Sources: