Saturday, October 27, 2012

The sports mind and how it can help or hurt your performance.

You might have a long history of sports and athletics, but even so, many athletes today have no idea how they really think and make choice's under pressure. Most athletes have a top-out in terms of what they comprehend while doing a sport. Damage control is what I call it. Attempting to control the things that are coming at you but not taking charge and having a calm, thoughtful mind during the process.

Consider this, when you are doing a sport at your max, do you have full control of everything? This is a trick question. "everything" is the word here you might not fully understand. So much is going on, there is not one answer. Control of you body, mind, both...the environment? Fact is we are not good at multitasking. Combine this with a maxed heart rate, adrenalin, fear, strategy, injury..etc.. and it is no wonder, most athletes run on natural ability and have no idea what it would be like to take a solid mental plan into a sport and keep a hold of that plan while things in the activity are peaking.

This is not as easy at it seems. Practicing the mental game out of the sport is the key. Take you body out but keep your mind in. Take 10 minutes each day to see yourself in your spot at the highest level you have ever felt and hold that level for as long as you can, allowing no errors. If you trail off to other thoughts, start over! Imagine the top level finish, achievement...whatever your goal is, but keep it in your mind at all times.

When you have mastered this sports meditation, move it into your sports environment. 60% is a good level and intensity to start. Try to get in the mind set and focus point you have reached while just sitting and work on not breaking your concentration. Once you can do this to perfection, up the intensity.

Over time you will see an amazing thing. An awareness of your mind now in the game at a new level. The sport wil feel different and your results will be different too.

Good luck out there!


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