So there you are...
I have to start this entry, as an athlete, in this way. I
feel all athletes looking to perform at any higher level, have this visual
going on in your mind, before, during and after a sporting activity. Or, more
importantly, you should. As an athlete you have so many factors that can make
this day, weekend or this lifetime of sports a much more planned out, mental
experience that can relate to a deeper connection to the activity and,
potentially, higher performance levels.
Mental connection to anything we do as humans is almost
always taken for granted. In sports and athletics it is the norm. Having a
solid understanding of how your mind works in a mentally challenging
environment in athletics is a huge factor towards improving overall performance
levels. Getting to know who you are as a mental athlete will not only help you
perform better but, more likely will help you make improvements without any
additional physical training.
The athletic mind goes in so many directions depending on
the conditions going on around you and how well trained you are to deal with
controlling your mental calmness in times of high adrenalin.
So let’s get to the point. How are you going to get a handle
on your brain while training and during your sport? Here are some suggestions
and steps that will lead you in the right direction, just to start. There will
be more about this in future blogs.
Are you open to the possibility you don’t need
to get stronger, faster of more physically fit?
What are your goals and do they include reaching
a higher mental level?
Does you training program include mental
training time?
Once you have honestly answered these questions, you might
be ready to get a solid handle on a path to a new level of performance. In this
journey to your next level, so much depends on how you see yourself in the
sport and how you mentally prepare to be at that next level. You will usually
get exactly what you want and should not be surprised of better results because
if your mental training is done correctly, you have already been at that higher
level before.
Look for my next blog in this intro series to LarryB Sports
Mind, called “Body, Body, Body”, where I will introduce the concepts of
undermining your own physical performance during an activity and how to
recognize when and how to take control.
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